The latest statistic in the USA of divorce rate was around 40-50% (2022). It is safe to say that most couples are/were not prepared for marriage and the stressors that relationships bring.
From a Biblical perspective, we know that the enemy has been stealing, killing, and destroying since Genesis.
The breakdown of the family system and relationships are clear throughout history.
As a Relationship Coach, I use the Prepare-Enrich Material to give an assessment at the start of Coaching to get a clear picture of the strengths & weaknesses.
Having facilitated for New Life Ministries since 2017, I have learned under Milan & Kay Yerkovich, Authors of How We Love, a book and program on Core Attachment Patterns. I have worked with dozens of couples using this material, as well as other tools of relationships to help bring about understanding, empathy, improving boundaries, and communication.
I work with pre-marital relationships, as well as couples who have been married for decades.
I also have specialized training and experience working with couples working through the effects of Betrayal/Infidelity whether physical or the abuse of pornography.
Having been trained by APSATS (Association of Partners of Sex Addicts & Trauma Recovery Specialists) I use a Partner Sensitive Model to support the woman and couple through a partner sensitive/Couple Centered Approach to Recovery.
If you are interested in a consultation to see if I am a good fit for you, please reach out!
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