This is a free gathering!!
We will meet 1x per month (check Facebook or email for the monthly date!)
What is Real Talk?
It is a gathering of people who recognize that life is messy, and hard and that doing it alone is not a good, healthy option!
This is not a Church Group. This is not a Recovery Group.
It is a place for men, women, and couples to gather around a table (or fire!!) and just talk about "REAL" life! The good, the bad, the messy, and all in-between!
We (Derek and Danielle, your hosts!) have experienced hard things in our Faith journeys, Marriage Journey, Parenting issues, facing homelessness, navigating mental health issues, loss of parents, and we have overcame a lot of things...
But we did NOT and could not, have done it alone!
We had many people along the way through church, professional counselors, Spiritual Mentors, 12-Step Programs, Sponsors, therapists, family, and friends who helped us get to where we are today.
We are NOT perfect, by any means.
And we need this community for our life journey too, but we do feel we are living in restoration in a lot of ways and want to "pay it forward" with what we have learned and been blessed with.
At this time, we will not have a "format" to follow we just are excited to get started & we will adjust if/as needed!
If you happen to be a therapy client of Trinity Wellness Group, LLC, and happen to be invited or stumble upon this event, I am sorry but this is not an option for you (licensing restrictions- so sorry!!!) but there are plenty of other great support options to consider!!
If you want to join us, please reach out to RSVP- we have events posted on Facebook, IG, and you can always email with any questions!
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
This gathering/event is and always will be FREE
(We will take a donation to cover beverages & snacks, the insurance we have added to cover hosting such event but it is NOT required!)
Please feel free to bring a snack to share with the group, if you are able!
Bring a lawn chair, weather permitting, we will be outside!
While it is free, at this time, we do ask for an RSVP so we know how many to expect.
We do sell Farm Fresh Eggs so keep that in mind when you attend!
Please do your best to update your RSVP as soon as possible if plans change!
We are not a "religious" organization, but we do love Jesus and follow the Bible and our personal relationship with Jesus in all that we do. You do NOT have to have the same beliefs as us to join us! Though we do ask that you are respectful of our beliefs, as we will be of yours.
We are truth-seekers and believe the Bible to be Truth and seek to understand and apply the Word of God in our day to day lives, including this group !
We pray, we believe that God still is working miracles, and we believe that through His Word we can be Saved and delivered.
We also believe that the sanctification process means that we will have things to "work on" until we take our final breath! We call this Sanctification Process, "Recovery"!!!
We do not want lack of childcare to be a barrier to you getting support, but we do not have a "set up" for children here on our property and we do not want anyone to have to "censor" what they share.
If you do bring children, you are 100% solely responsible for there needs, safety, and care
Copyright © 2023, Danielle Nicole Coaching. All Rights Reserved.
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